Friday, December 12, 2008

Where has the time gone? Do you realize there is less than 2 weeks left to Christmas?!? Ack!

I have so much left to do, I haven't even scratched the surface yet! I still have cookies to bake, fudge to make, gifts to sew, ornaments to create... We are doing all hand made this year, cuz our budget is tight and Hubby only works part time. It's enough to support us with food and gas to live on, but doesn't leave much for gifts.

I've started sewing a few things, but it seems like the kids are constantly vying for my attention and I find myself getting interrupted more often and I can't sew that way. Just today, when I was working on a quick little ornament on the sewing machine, Oldest was hovering right at my elbow. When I needed to move, her body blocked my elbow and I had to nudge her out of the way. Then she moved to the other side of me and brought her face way too close to the sewing machine and I couldn't concentrate. Then she started to fiddle with my scissors, the pin cushions, the fabric, the pattern, the thread-- "Stop!" I said. "I can't do this with you breathing down my neck!" I stopped what I was doing and put everything away.

That's another thing-- I have to put everything away. If I could just leave it out, I might get a lot more done, but I don't have a set sewing room. I keep my sewing machine on a little cabinet in the dining room and when I want to sew, I move it to the dining table and set everything up. It takes me an extra 10 minutes to get ready and I usually only have 20 minutes here and there. I'm thinking some rearranging might be in order after the craziness of the holidays is over. (hear that Hubby? *hint hint!*)

How about you? What are you making for gifts this year?


DJ Kirkby said...

We made blackberry wine from your recipe. Our boys will get those santa heads you made last year as their xmas eve gifts this year. Your stuff is beautiful. xo

Karen Mayes said...

Tell me about it! I completed two scarves (as accessories, with beads knitted) and I am working on a scarf hat for my son... with one week of school left for my kids... adding pressure on me. If (I have said that MANY TIMES in MANY YEARS) I started the crafts in October or November, instead of December, I'd be all done with Xmas crafting gifts! I will likely say the same thing again next year, ha.

You notice how kids are like cats... when feeling no parents' eyes trained on them, they'd come to breathe down on our necks until we swing our eyes on them???


Marijo said...

One sister has a french press coffee that she uses to make coffee so I made a coffee cozy for it using several fabrics..turned out nice. I plan on making a messenger bag/purse for my other sis..see how that goes since it'll be one of my most complicated sewing projects. I might whip up a few knitted scarves for Aunts.

I hear ya about having space, I would love to have a craft room.


Amandeep said...

Hope you guys have a super good christmas!!!

P.S. I've totally fallen in love with your son!!! :-D

jenny said...

Dj-- Aww.. I'm so glad I could help with some of your Christmas! I'm looking forward to trying the wine we made, too!

Karen-- me too! I always tell myself to start earlier next year, but as usual, I end up doing things at the last minute! I wish I could knit. I'd like to learn someday. I bet the scarves you made are beautiful!

Marijo-- another knitter? Gosh! I really ought to learn!! I bet that coffee cozy is cute! I'm sure your sis will love that messenger bag! A craft room would be great, wouldn't it? To have everything in one place-- sigh!

Amandeep-- thank you! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, too! :o)

Kelly said...

Hi there -- I know I am late into this but thought I would share that I am making a travel size pillow case for my favorite cousin as well as coaster and tin box filled with magents.... She is the only one that is getting stuff from me besides my kids. We are kinda in the poor house for the time being. Everyone else told me not to get them anything for Christmas, hey works for me! ;)