I waited until nap-time for Baby, then we got into it. After the girls picked/drew their pictures, I cut them out on freezer paper, then ironed the freezer paper onto the shirts. I cut up a sponge, squirted out the paint and let them have at it! Was it ever fun and the girls were so tickled to wear their art!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Rainy Day Fun!
I waited until nap-time for Baby, then we got into it. After the girls picked/drew their pictures, I cut them out on freezer paper, then ironed the freezer paper onto the shirts. I cut up a sponge, squirted out the paint and let them have at it! Was it ever fun and the girls were so tickled to wear their art!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Round 2!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Update on Henry
With Henry out of the picture, Rocky's new target is the other Speckled Sussex rooster you see on the far right, in the pix above. He's kind of mean and he pecks your feet when you walk by. He will chase you and peck you and when I say "peck", I mean he pecks. Hard. He has broken skin and left bruises where he pecks me or the girls. He's a stubborn one, that one, and refuses to get run off, though Rocky tries repeatedly to chase him off. I keep him separate in a large animal crate we have, and let him out when the other chickens are off in the field out of sight.
I called a neighbor that I know, who hunts and processes his own deer. I thought he might know how to butcher a chicken, but he says it's been over 50 years since he helped his Granddaddy butcher a chicken. Another neighbor sells eggs, so I'm thinking they may also butcher their own chickens, so I hope to go over there one day this week and introduce myself and ask.
I think in the future, I'll only purchase female chickens and leave those ornery males out of the equation. You don't need males for eggs, hens will lay eggs, but if you want them to hatch, then you need the rooster to fertilize the eggs.
I am gathering materials I need to build a fence around the chicken coop. They wander pretty far, and though they always return at night, they will soon start to lay eggs and I have heard enough stories about hens laying eggs every place but the nesting boxes. I don't want to look all over our 15 acres for eggs, so a fence it is. It will have two separate pens so I can rotate pens and let the grass regrow from all their pecking and digging. Ideally, there should be 4 pens, to rotate every week and then each pen will have 3 weeks of regrowth before the chickens go back into that pen. My issues are cost, so I need to figure out how much the fencing materials will cost me, before I make my final decision on how many pens there will be.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sting Like a Bee...
I got stung by a wasp while picking blackberries last night.
"Ow! Ow! Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck!" I howled as I scurried down the ladder and ran far away from the blackberry bushes. (Thankfully, the kids were in the house!)
Thing is, I knew there were wasps in the bushes, I'd always been careful and when I saw a wasp, I knew it was time to move away and go to another section of berries. I got distracted last night when the Husband was ogling my butt while I was bent over on the ladder and he called to me. Yeah- blame the husband!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Too Much Stuff!
Whew! How is it that we acquire so much stuff?
No pictures, because honestly? I'm quite embarrassed about the amount of stuff out there.
We piled all the "sale" stuff in the basement near the door and now, with everything out, I feel like I can breathe down there again. It felt claustrophobic, sorta.
I hope we sell most of it. Because really? I don't want to bring it back in.
Then after the sale, I swear-- no more crappy stuff allowed in the house!
Sweet old guy came to the yard sale, today. Asked how much for a wine bottle opener. 25 cents I said. He held out his hand with a bunch of coins and I picked out a quarter. He gave me two extra dimes and when I looked at him quizzically, he told me it was my tip. Then he bought something else that came to $6 and he gave me $7. When I tried to give him his dollar back he told me it was my tip. I need more customers like him! :o)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Pallet Chicken Coop
The door came from my Mom's home, when the contractor used it to make a temporary door when the firemen ripped out her front door. We asked them if they were going to keep it and they let us have it when they installed the new front door. They left the hinges on, too! All I had to do was cut it down to size. We also got all the wood they used to cover the broken windows.
I'll see big trucks go by with pallets stacked on them and I holler at them to drop 'em off at my house. I see pallets in a whole new light now, and I have a few more projects involving pallets up my sleeves.
The chickens seem pretty happy with the coop, they put themselves to bed every night and all I have to do is a head-count before shutting the door for the night. I'm proud of it and it was a fun project to do!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Flea Market!
Don't you just love, love, love this chair?! Oh my gosh! This is so cute! I gushed over this-- a bad thing to do if you want to haggle the price down-- and it was a perfect fit for all the kids, but we don't need anymore kid-sized chairs. It was just so cute, though! Had it been an adult-sized chair, then that would have been a different story. I can just see that by my bed, sitting down to read for a bit, or using it for my future sewing room.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Downside to Preserving One's Own Food
Ugh! Nothing like my thick, cinnamon-flavored applesauce. How can they call that applesauce?! It was watery and runny and more like apple juice with pulp. Even Baby noticed the difference because no matter what I do to the sauce-- add more oatmeal, add cinnamon, add a touch of brown sugar, heat it up, serve it chilled-- he has yet to finish a bowl.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
New Old Bed
Living in a RV meant there was no need for furniture, so most of our furnishings were sold or given to my Grandmother to hold for us. 25 years ago, when we gave up the RV and moved to Virginia, my uncle sold us some of his furniture and we picked up pieces here and there. My mom liked to hunt for treasure in the trash and in the dumpsters, and living in apartments was a treasure trove of stuff. Mom found this old bed for me from one of her jaunts. It was painted this awful pale green color but I lived with it, then I moved out and went my own way and Mom kept the bed for herself after my parents separated. She painted it white and it looked so much better than that green that was on there.
Now that Mom's home is officially sold and her things are here, she has given the bed back to me to give to one of my girls. After much thought, I gave the bed to Middle. It seems to fit her the best, though there was much protest from her sisters.
I remember when I slept on it, I would poke the paint out of the tiny holes in the headboard with a toothpick. I never finished and then after Mom painted it white, some of the holes are blocked up again. I told Middle she could finish what I started and she seemed like she would, but only time will tell.
Middle is happy to sleep in her "new" bed and I am happy to see it passed on. To whomever threw it away: You don't know what kind of happiness you tossed, but I'm glad to have it now!
Monday, July 13, 2009
We have a great old maple tree that has branches just perfect for swinging on. I already picked which would be the best limbs and had Hubby trim a few other branches, already had the rope, already had the wood... what were we waiting for?!? It has been so nice to see the girls swinging to and fro nearly every day and I love the time I have had inside the house without them getting into my hair! Things are getting done now! :o)
We got the chickens to provide us with food-- eggs and meat. We are meat eaters and eat meat in some form in almost every meal. That said, I knew that getting straight-run chicks (mixed sexes) meant I would have to cull the males, if I had too many, and they would be destined for the dinner table.
What I didn't expect was to feel so fondly for the chickens as they have grown and we have watched them entertain us with their chicken-y ways. I didn't think I would have favored one or the other the way I do for Henry.
I have been careful not to get attached to any of the other chickens and when the girls come up with names for the hens, I am only half-listening. I don't want to make the same mistake I made with Henry and then when the time comes, for one hen or the other to go into the soup pot, I don't want to cry and wail that I am eating Petunia the Buff or Freckles the Sussex.
I'll be taking 3 roosters to the butcher's soon, I am not yet ready to do the job myself, but I am hoping, one day, to do it on my own. I'll hold on to Henry for a bit until I decide what to do with him. Thanks for the offer, Katherine, to send him to a farm in PA, but I'd rather keep him here with me.
Friday, July 10, 2009
That red rooster in the middle is a Rhode Island Red and he takes his job very seriously.
We call him Rocky. (We watched 'Chicken Run' a little too much and borrowed the name from there.. Rocky Rhode? Get it?)
He keeps all his women in check, sometimes even Archie the cat! (that's the other speckled sussex rooster on the right, not Henry)
When they all go to bed at night in the coop, sometimes a hen isn't quite ready to go to bed yet and pops back out. Rocky comes running after her, as if to say,
"Get your feathered butt back in the house!"
Oldest cracks up when we say that.
Here's the thing:: Out of 11 chickens we have 5 roosters and 6 hens. Rocky has taken the lead and has proven to be very good at his job. The one Buff Orpington rooster has been challenging Rocky but so far, Rocky remains on top. There is another Speckled Sussex rooster and both Rhode Island Reds are roosters.
Obviously, there are too many roosters and I have to pick which are destined for the dinner table. I hate to do Henry, as he is my favorite and I really wanted him to be the father of all my future chicken babies. Go ahead and laugh, but I really love him and I want him to have a good life, not a life where he gets pecked on and spends his day all alone, either in the yard or in the coop by himself.
Any chicken experts out there? Any suggestions? If I get new baby chicks and separate them with Henry, will he be King of the Roost or will it be a waste of time?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A Berry Good Day
For an extra treat, we also had toasted marshmallows in the fire with graham crackers-- no chocolate, so not exactly s'mores. All in all, it was a good ending to a good day.
This is about 3 cups worth of black raspberries with a few blackberries mixed in. At their peak, I can pick twice that amount every day. The raspberries are starting to taper off and it takes me a little longer to look for the berries that are hiding underneath the leaves. I'll probably make the rounds on the raspberries a couple more times, and then I'll leave the rest for the birds and the animals that also eat these. I'll focus on my blackberry patch, and judging by the way it looks, I should reap plenty there.
I meant to take pictures of the sorbet-making process, but spaced out and didn't. I'll try to remember to take pictures next time, when I make black raspberry sorbet or try the peach sorbet.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Busy Sorbet
Life with 4 children doesn't really slow down, though. There is always something to do, and at times, I am needed by 4 children at the same time, sometimes the husband needs me, too and I am pulled 5 ways. It felt like that, last weekend, when my family was here for the 4th and I was non-stop go, go, go. I don't think I sat down all day Friday except to eat, and even then I was constantly getting up to fetch something or other. By the time they left on Sunday, it was almost a let-down, I had nothing to do and I was still wired up and ready to go somewhere, anywhere!
I've been busy berry-picking these days. I go out and do the "rounds", picking all the ripe black raspberries and now the blackberries are just beginning to ripen. I still have plenty of blackberry jam from last year and I really don't want to make more, but I can't let the berries go to waste. Besides, I enjoy the picking process, walking from bramble to bramble, stretching to reach that lone berry all the way in the back, hoping I don't fall and get stuck with hundreds of thorns. It's peaceful for me, to walk and hunt for berries, usually when I put the Baby down for his nap and the girls are playing in the yard.
Anyway, no jam making, so what to do with all those berries?? I found a recipe for making fruit sorbet. I tried it first with the cherries and it was oh, so good! Tried it next with the black raspberries and mulberries and wow! So now I am extracting the juice from the berries and freezing it until I need it for a new batch of sorbet. I have a whole shelf full of cherry and berry sorbet and no more room for more, so we're going to have to eat some to make room. Yum! Twist my arm. It's really easy to make and for someone as busy as me, I can appreciate a quick recipe for something so delicious. Here's the recipe if you'd like to try making it yourself::
4 cups soft fruit (cherries, peaches, berries, melons etc..)
2 cups sugar
1 cup orange juice
2 tbsp lemon juice
Puree fruit in food processor or blender. In large saucepan, heat orange juice, sugar and lemon juice just to boiling. Stir to dissolve sugar. When sugar is dissolved, add fruit puree. Stir to combine. Pour into 10x13 cake pan and place in freezer. Freeze for several hours or overnight. When frozen, cut into small pieces and in small batches, puree again in food processor until light and fluffy. Pour into freezer containers and repeat until all gone.
I plan on trying this with peaches next! Let me know if you try this.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fireworks and Rhubarb!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hard to believe that a year has flown by already and my little baby is now One. He is very vocal and I think he will be saying his first word soon. It already sounds like he is trying to say "da-da" and "ma-ma" and he mimics me when I say "all gone". He is a pro at walking and I love watching him walk around the room. Of course, now that is walking, he is also able to get into things more and he leaves a trail of destruction behind him. I am constantly telling him "don't touch, no-no!" and picking up and putting him away from the bookshelf, only to have him make a beeline right back to where he was before. Just today I caught him with his fingers in the toilet bowl!
He is such a good baby, though, he loves the stroller, which none of my girls did. I always used to wonder how people got their kids to sit in the stroller for so long, as ours always ended up walking and we'd be pushing an empty stroller, feeling a little foolish for bringing it in the first place. But Baby? He is content to sit and watch. We use the stroller with him for so much and it has made it much easier for me when we go cherry picking or to the beach or even at home when I pull the laundry down from the line.
Happy birthday little one, may you have many, many more. I love you.