Haven't done any fencing yet. My back has been bothering me for some time now, then Tuesday evening I was in excruciating pain. My hip quivered in pain at every step and by the time I put the kids to bed, it was screaming. I went downstairs to put a load in the wash and couldn't make it back up the steps. Lucky for me, Andrew arrived home and heard me on the stairs and helped me up the last few steps.
Looking up back/hip pain leaves too many possibilities, but I suspect a pinched nerve. I rested as much as I could on Wednesday and felt somewhat better on Thursday, so I ran errands-- grocery store and picked up Percy at the Vet's. Big mistake, the position of my leg in the car did not help and by the time I returned home, my hip was quivering in pain again. Another day tied to the heating pad and resting as much as four children allow me to has helped immensely. I find it helps to keep moderately mobile, as keeping still only stiffens the joint and I need to warm up all over again. Warming up hurts. Getting out of the bed in the morning is almost comical and then hobbling over to the toilet and back is something else entirely.
As of now, I am operating on 50% power. I want so much to DO stuff, but I know I'll pay the price if I do. The garden needs weeding, the fence needs fencing, the house needs housing and the kids need parenting. I don't know what I'd do without Andrew, he's such a big help. I'm hoping tomorrow brings me another lift in power. I'd like to at least get some weeding done. I'll take it slowly and see how it goes.
Enjoy the long weekend!
It stinks to have so much motivation and pressure to get things done, only to be hampered by your back (appendix).
I love having our chickens fenced in. I still let them range in the evening for a while, but it dramatically cuts down on the opportunity for them to get into trouble.
Sounds like you might have scaitia?
Ron-- Yes, that's exactly it! I'm feeling better now, not so hard to get out of bed in the mornings, so I'm going to try and get some fencing done.. fingers crossed!
Karen-- That's what I suspected..
no way of knowing for sure.
I've been hampered by a bad lower back for many years now and it is just something I have to live with. I suspect it comes from sitting in those office chairs all those years stuck behind a desk. I am glad you figured out what your problem was and hopefully you will be back to 100% in no time.
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