Sunday, January 13, 2013

Leggo my Lego!

We love us some Legos in this house so when I found this set at the thrift shop for a mere .59 cents, I did the happy dance!

Both sets were in pieces and are from the Life on Mars series back in 2001. They were both inside of one box, the Alien's Red Planet Cruiser, and still had the instruction booklet. I had no idea, before I finished putting together the cruiser, that there was a second set which is the astronaut and his Mono Jet. Thanks to the instruction booklet's last page, which had pictures of other Life on Mars sets, I realized that the pieces leftover looked just like the Mono Jet! No instructions to follow, but a quick search online found me some instructions to put this together. Only 3 pieces total from both sets were missing, which were easily replaced with pieces we had at home, and I'm happy to say that the mini-figures were both there and complete.

Sorry, I must sound totally geeky, but I'm just nuts over this set and happy that whoever donated it, kept it in the original box and none of the pieces were lost once set on the shelves. It wasn't even taped shut!! I'm always on the look-out for more Lego pieces at the thrift stores, since buying new sets are pricey and between 4 kids (and me!) it can get expensive real quick! There are so many really awesome Lego sets out there and if I could, I buy each and every one of them!! Have you seen the Monster sets?? Love!!  But until I strike oil or find gold, I like the luck I've been having at the yard sales and thrift shops lately. It's even cooler when the sets are vintage and not available to buy in the stores anymore. 

By the way, do you think I'll get in trouble for that title??  :o)


  1. Those Legos were some bargain. You hit the jackpot on that one.

    I don't think you will get in trouble with your title. I think it's quite ingenious.

  2. Thanks Cheyenne! I've gotten lucky with other lego sets at yard sales around here, but this is my favorite one so far! :o)
