Monday, January 7, 2008


We hit two milestones this past week. First, today is Youngest's 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday to my big girl!

Second, Oldest lost another tooth a few days ago! That makes 2 bottom teeth gone from her beautiful smile.


  1. Happy birthday to youngest and Happy New Year to Jenny!

  2. Farty-- A Happy New Year to you and yours!! It was a lovely day with Youngest, party to come this weekend...

  3. Congratulations to both! Big milestones indeed. They look so lovely too, you must explode with love when you see them!

  4. Jenny I know I've said it before like I don't know how many times, but you have the cutest most smiley kids! I can see how HAPPY they are right there in the picture. It's lovely :)

  5. I really love your blog. I found you from the hor. My only and your youngest have a birthday one day apart. He's having 4 boys over for a sleep-over tonight and I've locked myself in the office.
