Thursday, November 15, 2007

2 Birds With One Stone?

While I was working for the consignment shop, I managed to lose 5 pounds. Mostly because I was too busy to eat and because the store space was huge and I had to walk a mile just to get to the break room! I've been afraid to get on the scale for awhile now, because I am quite positive I gained it back and more. sigh...

Wouldn't one of these contraptions be nifty to have around the house? Instead of mindlessly riding on an exercise bike while watching TV, or having to get off a normal bike to walk it up the hill, you can ride one of these around the yard and cut the grass at the same time! I'm told it really works. It actually cuts the grass while you ride the bike. Not long after I took this picture, I kid you not, the lawn service people showed up, moved the bike to the driveway and spent the next 30 minutes cutting the grass. So much for exercise!


  1. thanks for sharing. That is awesome to see someone with great innovative idea putting together with push mower and bike -- a double way of good exercises and save time.


  2. Jabparis-- Welcome! I laughed when I first saw the bike, but it really works! I love some of the ideas that people come up with! :o)

  3. Now THAT is an invention worth keeping around!
